Search Results: "Michael Stapelberg"

11 January 2014

David Moreno: i3 respect

Hey Michael Stapelberg, thanks for creating i3 and making me believe again that people have a clue and things can be done just right (specially when it comes to something easily done crappy like window managers). Thanks for just getting it all right, and not only from the software point of view, but also for the community, the style around it, etc. Kudos.

25 December 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Hosting for Debian Code Search provided by Rackspace

For a number of weeks now, I have been forwarding traffic being sent to to an instance of Debian Code Search running at Rackspace s public cloud offering. I feel like it s overdue to announce how they have been supporting the project and what that means. Context First of all, let s provide some context. Debian Code Search was launched in November 2012, hosted entirely on my private server. Since DebConf 13, I am in contact with DSA in order to get Code Search running on a DSA-provided machine and make it an official Debian service. Code Search runs best on flash storage, and only with adequate resources can we enable some use cases (e.g. package-level results) and make sure the existing use cases work at all (we currently have timeouts for some queries). Unfortunately, flash storage is scarce in Debian, hence we couldn t get any for Code Search. At some point, I got the suggestion to ask Rackspace for help, since they are quite friendly to the Open Source community. They agreed to help us out with a generous amount of resources in their public cloud offering! This means I can run Code Search at Rackspace the way it is meant to be run: with the index sharded onto 6 different machines and the source code being searched on fast flash storage. Concerns Now, when using third-party infrastructure, there are always two big concerns: proprietary infrastructure and vendor lock-in. As for the proprietary aspect, Rackspace s public cloud offering is based on OpenStack, which is FOSS. Granted, they have a couple of extensions that are not (yet?) released in OpenStack, but those are minor details and any automation that we use can trivially be ported to any other OpenStack offering. Who knows, maybe in the future we use OpenStack in Debian, too? Given the OpenStack situation, I am not concerned about vendor lock-in. However, to specifically address this concern and err on the side of caution, attention will be paid to keep Code Search able to run on non-cloud infrastructure, such that we can run our own instance on DSA-provided hardware. My current intention is that this instance will be the fall-back that we can use should there ever be problems with Rackspace. So far, however, I am very happy with Rackspace s stability. Future There are a number of improvements waiting: for users in the United States, traffic first goes to my server in Europe and then back to Rackspace in the US. Eventually, we should get rid of this indirection. Perhaps we can also spin up another instance in Europe eventually. Furthermore, Rackspace recently announced new available hardware, which we are not yet making use of. I expect a big speed-up, but will have to do some careful benchmarking. Also, I have some interesting performance data, which will be shared in subsequent blog posts. Stay tuned :). Conclusion I d like to thank Rackspace very much for their generous support of the Debian project and Code Search in particular. I hope you look forward to the upcoming posts with more details. Also, to be perfectly clear about it: I also thank DSA for their help, and hope they will continue working with me to have our independent (yet slower) instance of Code Search running on Debian hardware.

27 November 2013

Michael Stapelberg: let s disable pdiffs already!

Richi s post about the pdiff-by-default agony resonates with me a lot. On EVERY Debian installation I have ever done in the last few years, without any exceptions, I have turned off pdiffs. Even on all the oddball cases (Raspberry Pi, account on a remote machine, ) where I don t run my install-configs script, I have ended up turning off pdiffs eventually, because it is just so insanely slow on modern internet connections. And by modern I mean even the DSL link my parents place has since 14 years. Let s disable pdiffs by default already.

7 November 2013

Michael Stapelberg: First Debian meetup in Z rich

Debian meetup Thanks to Axel Beckert (abe@), 12 people interested in Debian met last Tuesday in Z rich and celebrated the start of our monthly Debian meetup. New faces are always very welcome. If you live in Z rich, or if you re visiting, please feel free to attend our meetup no registration necessary. See the initial announcement, and subscribe to for updates. Thanks to everyone for the nice evening, see you next time!
Debian meetup

8 October 2013

Raphael Geissert: Faster, more stable and new opportunities

A new version of the code behind was deployed a few days ago. It has proved to be far more stable, faster, and scalable compared to the previous mod_perl-based deployment.

There were a couple of glitches during the earlier roll-out for IPv6 users, fixed thanks to the reports by Cyril Brulebois, Michael Stapelberg and Robert Drake.

What's behind?
The redirector is now a plack application (with no middlewere) running under the Starman server with an apache fronted. Requests are processed faster than before and there mod_perl-induced system overload is finally gone.

The redirector is now easier to test and develop. Deploying the live instance is not yet fully streamlined, but it has seen a lot of improvement. Some important changes to the way the redirector works are already on their way to see the light and I am going to be announcing them when they do. Fork the repository and hack a few changes, contributions are welcome :)

It's probably time to move it under, and finish making it the default everywhere. It's even made its way into the installation manual.

29 September 2013

Ian Campbell: qcontrol 0.5.2

I've just released qcontrol 0.5.2. Changes since the last release: Get it from gitorious or The Debian package will be uploaded shortly.

30 August 2013

Michael Stapelberg: How git performs when you throw all of Debian at it

During DebConf, Asheesh presented the idea of using git instead of the file system for storing the contents of Debian Code Search. The hope was that it would lead to fewer disk seeks and less data due to gits delta-encoding. Maybe the reduction would be big enough that enough data could be held in RAM to allow for fast retrieval. Joey Hess helped me out with a couple of details: he revealed that using git repack -a -d will lead to a single packfile that optimally contains HEAD, not caring about the history. Also, he showed me how to use git cat-file. We did a small-scale experiment and the results were promising. I told him I ll do the experiment of just committing the entire unpacked source mirror to git and promised to follow up with the results, so here goes:
stapelberg@couper ~/unpacked master $ time cat <<EOT   git cat-file --batch >/dev/null
cat <<<''  0,00s user 0,00s system 62% cpu 0,006 total
git cat-file --batch > /dev/null  4,38s user 1,08s system 99% cpu 5,477 total
stapelberg@couper ~/unpacked master $ time cat linux_3.2.32-1/sound/pci/ice1712/aureon.c linux_3.2.32-1/sound/soc/codecs/sgtl5000.c linux_3.2.32-1/sound/pci/hda/patch_conexant.c >/dev/null
cat linux_3.2.32-1/sound/pci/ice1712/aureon.c   > /dev/null  0,00s user 0,00s system 69% cpu 0,006 total
stapelberg@couper ~/unpacked master $ time cat <<EOT   git cat-file --batch >/dev/null
cat <<<':i3-wm_4.6-1/libi3/font.c'  0,00s user 0,00s system 51% cpu 0,008 total
git cat-file --batch > /dev/null  4,30s user 1,18s system 99% cpu 5,533 total
stapelberg@couper ~/unpacked master $ time cat i3-wm_4.6-1/libi3/font.c >/dev/null
cat i3-wm_4.6-1/libi3/font.c > /dev/null  0,00s user 0,00s system 0% cpu 0,004 total
Even after repeating those tests a couple of times to get a warm page cache, the result stays the same: git takes about 5 seconds to resolve the deltas in a large repository. Even if this was 5 seconds startup time and a very small amount of additional time per file, it would not be acceptable for our use case. The conclusion is that git is clearly not suitable for this kind of usage, which is not surprising after having heard a couple of times that git does not scale :-). For the curious, the .git/objects directory is 29 GiB for roughly 140 GiB of source code, so the delta encoding is quite impressive in terms of saving space. However, keep in mind that the compressed (!) Debian source archive is about 35 GiB, so the savings are not that huge.

16 August 2013

Michael Stapelberg: My DebConf13 talks are online

I gave two talks at this year s DebConf, both about systemd. A huge thanks goes to the video team for their excellent work and putting up the videos that quickly! Find the recordings and slides here:
  1. Making your package work with systemd (508 MiB ogv) (Slides ( 230 KiB PDF))
  2. systemd myths debunked! (456 MiB ogv) (Slides ( 230 KiB PDF))

8 August 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Going to DebConf

I will arrive at DebConf 2013 on Sunday afternoon. In case you are interested in Go (the programming language), systemd, i3 or getting your package reviewed, please talk to me! :-) Looking forward to meeting many of you in real life.

31 July 2013

Michael Stapelberg: dh-golang in unstable

Good news, everyone! dh-golang is now in Debian unstable. With this debhelper addon, packaging software written in Go is very simple. Have a look at the example/ directory in dh-golang to see how it is meant to be used. Essentially, export the DH_GOPKG variable containing the canonical upstream location of the package (e.g. and then use dh $@ --buildsystem=golang --with=golang. That s it! Now, given that this package is very new and only two packages use it so far (both of which are not yet in Debian, but real soon ), there are most likely bugs and missing features. This is where you come in: when packaging software written in Go, please contact me and tell me whether dh-golang worked for you and what could be improved. In case something does not work, definitely report it. Even if everything worked, I d be happy to have a look at your packaging before you upload. Also see

25 July 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Looking for a USB WLAN stick

Posting this on behalf of a friend of mine in the hope that you can help: I ve failed several times now to find a suitable WLAN USB dongle that works out of the box on Debian testing. Often manufacturers change the chipsets without changing the version numbers, the product pages are incomplete or even state wrong information. I turn to you, in the hopes that someone can give me helpful pointers. The dongle should have: If you have any hints, please send them directly to breunig AT uni-hd DOT de. Thanks!

20 July 2013

Michael Stapelberg: systemd 204 in Debian experimental

As of today, systemd 204 is available in Debian experimental. If you are interested in systemd, please install it and report any issues to the BTS merely reporting them on IRC is not sufficient, we need to have them in the BTS so we don t forget about them. In case you ve been using the unofficial 204 packages from, please downgrade first to systemd 44-12 and udev 175-7.2, then upgrade to the versions in Debian experimental. This will ensure that during the upgrade all obsolete conffiles are upgraded properly. Thanks for helping with testing!

14 July 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Systemd support in Debian packages: how to help

Sometimes, people show up in our IRC channel #debian-systemd or on our mailing list and ask how they can help. This blog post answers that question. First of all, whatever you end up doing, please coordinate with us first! Saying hi in our IRC channel or on our mailing list and explaining what you intend to do is all we ask for. In the past, people have filed bug reports with service files that are not idiomatic, and we really need to avoid that. Currently, our biggest task is to add/improve systemd support to individual Debian packages, and this is where we can use a lot of help. We have a dashboard which contains two lists:
  1. Packages that ship a service file, but don t use dh-systemd yet.
    These need to be updated to get proper maintscripts (e.g. deb-systemd-helper enable/disable calls, possibly start/stop/restart calls).
  2. Packages that ship an init script but no service file yet.
    These need a service file plus dh-systemd support.
Adding a service file and dh-systemd support After you picked a service from the second list in our dashboard, first double-check that there is no bug filed against it yet (the dashboard might be a few hours behind). Then, search for a service file, either upstream or in other distributions such as Arch Linux, Fedora, Gentoo, etc. In case there is no service file yet, write one. Please carefully test the service file (e.g. does starting/stopping/restarting and reloading work) and send it to us for review. Be careful to avoid obvious regressions from the sysvinit init script. That is, don t just write a very simplistic service file that breaks a use-case which formerly worked. If in doubt, ask pkg-systemd-maintainers or chose a different package to work on. Afterwards, add systemd support by using the dh-systemd helper, see The last step is to file a proper bug report against the package that uses our usertag and CCs pkg-systemd-maintainers. See for an example. Replacing custom maintscripts with dh-systemd Check if the package currently has any direct systemctl calls in its maintscripts and remove them if so (see for an example). Follow to add systemd support using the dh-systemd helper. Check whether the maintscripts look good and generate a debdiff to highlight the differences between the old and the new version:
debdiff --controlfiles=ALL OLD_amd64.changes NEW_amd64.changes
Then file a bug report which uses our usertag and CCs pkg-systemd-maintainers. See for an example. Thanks! Thank you for helping us and Debian in general!

Michael Stapelberg: How many packages does Debian Code Search contain?

The German computer magazine c't has covered Debsources in its most recent edition (c't 16/2013). In that article, they also state:
Debsources integriert auch eine Code-Suche, allerdings werden lediglich die
Quellen des Unstable-Zweigs durchsucht, der zirka ein Drittel des Quellcodes
von Debsources ausmacht.
This loosely translates to:
Debsources also integrates a code search engine, but it only searches the
sources of the unstable tree, which makes up for roughly one third of the
sources that Debsources covers.
I suspect the author of the article arrived at this conclusion because Debsources talks about 400 GiB of source code, whereas Debian Code Search talks about 130 GiB of source code. However, it still struck me as odd and giving the wrong impression. I thought that packages don t differ that much between stable, testing and unstable. So I fired up psql and pounded UDD until it revealed how many packages are different between stable, testing and unstable: Conclusion So, in conclusion, Debian Code Search covers 74% of wheezy, testing and unstable. Debsources also covers contrib and non-free, which explains the higher disk usage. In particular, there might be big blobs in non-free that account for a lot of disk space. Also, Debsources keeps sources around for a few weeks whereas Debian Code Search only keeps the most recent snapshot. Query
     sources.version AS stable_version,
   FROM sources
   LEFT JOIN migrations
   USING (source)
   WHERE sources.release = 'wheezy') AS x
  regexp_replace(stable_version::text, E'-([0-9.]+)$', '') = regexp_replace(testing_version::text, E'-([0-9.]+)$', '');

13 July 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

This blog post is the third of a series of posts dealing with the results of the Debian systemd survey. I intend to give a presentation at DebConf 2013, too, so you could either read my posts, or watch the talk, or both :-). The second-biggest concern in the survey results was that systemd is not portable to non-Linux systems, for example Debian GNU/kFreeBSD or Debian GNU/HURD. For convenience, I will from now on write kFreeBSD when I really mean all non-Linux ports. systemd not being portable is not an arbitrary decision Some people seem to think that the systemd upstream is just hostile to users of other operating systems when they hear that systemd is not portable. However, keep in mind that Lennart, Kay and other contributors have considerable experience with writing portable software such as Avahi and PulseAudio. The decision to only support Linux in systemd was thus not taken lightly. systemd s design requires many kernel features and certain semantics (e.g. procfs is not enough, /proc/$PID/exe needs to be supported), which are currently only available on Linux. Point 15 of Lennart s blog post contains an incomplete list of these features. Maintaining portable code increases complexity Since systemd is written in C, the canonical way to write portable code is by using conditional compilation, for example with ifdef statements. That makes the code harder to understand and reason about, but more importantly it blows up the test matrix. It also requires any new change to be tested on all supported systems, which is not feasible for most contributors. I think everybody agrees keeping complexity low is a good thing. What are the implications for our non-Linux ports? We, the Debian project, have two realistic options in my point of view:
  1. We stay with sysvinit, the least common denominator, forever.
  2. We use a modern init system such as systemd on Debian GNU/Linux.
In case we go with the first option, Debian will diverge more and more from virtually every other Linux distribution. This also means we are stuck with the limited features and capabilities that sysvinit has. A modern operating system needs to be able to adapt to a changing environment and the once static world in which sysvinit was developed has become much more dynamic. In our opinion, the only reasonable choice is the latter option: use systemd on Debian GNU/Linux. How will this work? For individual maintainers, this means they need to support two init systems. Luckily, systemd service files are usually really simple, but there still is additional maintenance work such as testing whether your service actually starts when using systemd. We think this maintenance overhead is justified due to the advantages a modern init system brings. Of course, not every maintainer can arrange it to install systemd and test his/her package. You are invited to contact us at at any time and we can help you out. Furthermore, automation can be introduced (and we have a proof of concept) to make it easier to spot mistakes and perform some simple tests, such as whether the service can be started. A concern that was voiced is that as sysvinit usage decreases, the init scripts would bit-rot and stop working at some point. If that happens, we rely on the users to file appropriate bug reports. This is no different from the situation today it is not feasible for maintainers to test every single combination of features all the time. Ports are different and that diversity is good The FreeBSD kernel and the Linux kernel are different, and each kernel provides distinct features that the other kernel does not have. As an example, Linux provides cgroups, which are heavily used by systemd. The FreeBSD kernel in turn offers the packet filter pf , which is not available on Linux. There certainly is value in having common infrastructure. But there also is value in providing the best features that each platform has to offer in case of Linux, that is clearly systemd as an init system IMO. Conclusion systemd is not portable because it relies on features only the Linux kernel provides an example is cgroups, which systemd uses to track processes in a reliable way. Not embracing these features and staying with sysvinit indefinitely is not a viable option if Debian wants to remain relevant for today s demands. In the short term, the migration to systemd will cause additional maintenance effort for individual package maintainers, but it will pay off in the long term.

2 July 2013

Bits from Debian: all Debian source are belong to us

This is a verbatim repost from Stefano Zacchiroli's post TL;DR: go to and enjoy.
Debsources is a new toy I've been working on at IRILL together with Matthieu Caneill. In essence, debsources is a simple web application that allows to publish an unpacked Debian source mirror on the Web. You can deploy Debsources where you please, but there is a main instance at (sources.d.n for short) that you will probably find interesting. sources.d.n follows closely the Debian archive in two ways:
  1. it is updated 4 times a day to reflect the content of the Debian archive
  2. it contains sources coming from official Debian suites: the usual ones (from oldstable to experimental), *-updates (ex volatile), *-proposed-updates, and *-backports (from Wheezy on)
Via sources.d.n you can therefore browse the content of Debian source packages with usual code viewing features like syntax highlighting. More interestingly, you can search through the source code (of unstable only, though) via integration with You can also use sources.d.n programmatically to query available versions or link to specific lines, with the possibility of adding contextual pop-up messages (example). In fact, you might have stumbled upon sources.d.n already in the past few days, via other popular Debian services where it has already been integrated. In particular: codesearch.d.n now defaults to show results via sources.d.n, and the PTS has grown new "browse source code" hyperlinks that point to it. If you've ideas of other Debian services where sources.d.n should be integrated, please let me know. I find Debsources and sources.d.n already quite useful but, as it often happens, there is still a lot TODO. Obviously, it is all Free Software (released under GNU AGPLv3). Do not hesitate to report new bugs and, better, to submit patches for the outstanding ones. Acknowledgements PS in case you were wondering: at present sources.d.n requires ~381 GB of disk space to hold all uncompressed source packages, plus ~83 GB for the local (compressed) source mirror

Stefano Zacchiroli: introducing

all Debian source are belong to us TL;DR: go to and enjoy.
Debsources is a new toy I've been working on at IRILL together with Matthieu Caneill. In essence, debsources is a simple web application that allows to publish an unpacked Debian source mirror on the Web. You can deploy Debsources where you please, but there is a main instance at (sources.d.n for short) that you will probably find interesting. sources.d.n follows closely the Debian archive in two ways:
  1. it is updated 4 times a day to reflect the content of the Debian archive
  2. it contains sources coming from official Debian suites: the usual ones (from oldstable to experimental), *-updates (ex volatile), *-proposed-updates, and *-backports (from Wheezy on)
Via sources.d.n you can therefore browse the content of Debian source packages with usual code viewing features like syntax highlighting. More interestingly, you can search through the source code (of unstable only, though) via integration with You can also use sources.d.n programmatically to query available versions or link to specific lines, with the possibility of adding contextual pop-up messages (example). In fact, you might have stumbled upon sources.d.n already in the past few days, via other popular Debian services where it has already been integrated. In particular: codesearch.d.n now defaults to show results via sources.d.n, and the PTS has grown new "browse source code" hyperlinks that point to it. If you've ideas of other Debian services where sources.d.n should be integrated, please let me know. I find Debsources and sources.d.n already quite useful but, as it often happens, there is still a lot TODO. Obviously, it is all Free Software (released under GNU AGPLv3). Do not hesitate to report new bugs and, better, to submit patches for the outstanding ones. Acknowledgements PS in case you were wondering: at present sources.d.n requires ~381 GB of disk space to hold all uncompressed source packages, plus ~83 GB for the local (compressed) source mirror

1 July 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Survey answers part 2: the transition

This blog post is the second of a series of posts dealing with the results of the Debian systemd survey. I intend to give a presentation at DebConf 2013, too, so you could either read my posts, or watch the talk, or both :-). It seems that it is unclear how Debian s transition to systemd is intended to work. By transition , we mean going from the current state (sysvinit is the default and fully supported) to systemd is fully supported. Then by merely installing systemd by default and letting it provide /sbin/init, we can make it the default init system. If and when that happens is a different matter and it s not necessary for all packages to have systemd support. sysvinit compatibility systemd natively supports sysvinit scripts, meaning your existing package will work as-is but you cannot utilize all the features that systemd provides. The sysvinit support works very well, as you can try in a fresh Debian wheezy VM. In the output of systemctl list-units , every entry which has an LSB: prefix is actually a sysvinit script. The mechanism with which systemd decides whether to use an init script or a service file is by looking whether a service file with a corresponding name exists. That is, if e.g. apache2.service exists, systemd will prefer it over /etc/init.d/apache2. To make this crystal clear: it is not necessary to ship service files for all services in some kind of flag day. systemd supports a mixed installation where some services use init scripts and some services use service files. Adding systemd support to your package In a nutshell, it usually works like this:
  1. Install a service file to /lib/systemd/system/foo.service.
    Often, upstream already provides and installs a .service file.
    If not, you can place your file at debian/package.service
    Make sure that your service file name corresponds to the sysvinit script name
    (e.g. apache2.service for /etc/init.d/apache2)
  2. Ensure your service file(s) are enabled and started.
    We strongly recommend you to use our package dh-systemd.
    If you use dh(1), add --with=systemd in debian/rules and Build-Dep on dh-systemd
  3. Test your package, see the next section.
For details see Testing systemd We carefully made sure that you can install the systemd Debian package on your machine alongside sysvinit without breaking anything. The systemd package does not conflict with any other packages, it will not replace /sbin/init and systemd will not be enabled right away. It is only after you specify the kernel parameter init=/bin/systemd in /etc/default/grub that you switch to systemd. In case you want to go back, simply boot without this kernel parameter. Conclusion In conclusion, the transition is straight-forward and the necessary infrastructure is in place. systemd is available in Debian and can be used today. Packages can add systemd support whenever their maintainer(s) feel like it. There is no need for a flag day. We can switch the default whenever we think we are ready.

17 June 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Talk about Debian Code Search

At this year s GPN13 I gave a talk about Debian Code Search. It was in German, so I spent a few hours creating english subtitles. You can watch the video at with english subtitles. In case you prefer to download the file(s), get (84 MiB) and the corresponding subtitle file at Drop both files in the same directory, run mplayer gpn13-debian-code-search.mp4 and press v to enable subtitles. I intend to eventually put the (subtitled) video on YouTube and refer to it from, but I wanted to post the video in its current form already. The presentation itself explains the motivation behind Debian Code Search and how it works. You don t need any knowledge of the system in order to understand the talk. Enjoy!

8 June 2013

Michael Stapelberg: Survey answers part 1: systemd has too many dependencies, or it is bloated, or it does too many things, or is too complex

This blog post is the first of a series of posts dealing with the results of the Debian systemd survey. I intend to give a presentation at DebConf 2013, too, so you could either read my posts, or watch the talk, or both :-). The top concern shared by most people is:
systemd has too many dependencies, or it is bloated, or it does too many things, or is too complex
Now this concern actually has a lot of different facets, and I am trying to share my opinion on each of them. systemd has too many dependencies First, let s start with too many dependencies , because that is easy to check and reason about. I have created a document which lists all dependencies of the systemd binary itself (pid 1) and all the binaries which are currently shipped by the systemd Debian package. If you don t want to take my word for granted, please read that document. Have you read the document? Very nice! As you can see, the systemd binary itself has 10 dependencies (excluding libc). Now, the question is, what is bad about dependencies? Why do people list dependencies as a top concern?
  1. Cyclic dependencies. When you hear that your init system depends on DBus, you might argue that there is a cyclic dependency here, because DBus needs to be started by the init system. However, systemd does NOT depend on dbus-daemon (!) to boot your machine. Instead of using the system bus, it uses a private UNIX socket. Therefore, systemd uses DBus merely as a serialization format for IPC between its different processes. Only when you want to access systemd via its API as a user (non-root), you actually use the system bus. Since we are talking about DBus: DBus provides a well-tested serialization format and IPC mechanism so that systemd doesn t have to reinvent the wheel and instead benefits from wide support within languages.
  2. Complicated code. I feel like there is the implicit assumption that lots of dependencies correlate with complicated code that is easy to break. I encourage you to have a look at systemd s source code: look for the places where specific libraries are used, e.g. enforce_user which uses libcap. You ll notice that the code is not complex and usage of the libraries is clear.
  3. Software dragging in lots of library packages. The libraries which systemd uses are already in widespread use (e.g. DBus, udev, selinux, libcap, pcre, ). On a typical Debian installation, only very few of them will be dragged in by systemd, if at all. As an example, on a fresh Debian Wheezy installation, less than 10 packages will end up on your machine when running apt-get install systemd .
  4. More memory use. The Linux kernel maps libraries into memory only once, no matter how many processes use them. As stated in the dependency list, on machines where the libraries are not already loaded, systemd brings in about 500 KiB of additional memory-mapped libraries in the worst case. On the machines we have these days, this is a reasonable cost to pay for all the benefits systemd gets us. This holds true on embedded systems with only a few MiB of RAM and especially on typical workstations with 8+ GiB of RAM.
systemd is bloated Now, let s talk about bloat. Again, this is a point which has many facets. I d like to quote the Wikipedia definition of software bloat:
Software bloat is a process whereby successive versions of a computer program become perceptibly slower, use more memory or processing power, or have higher hardware requirements than the previous version whilst making only dubious user-perceptible improvements.
The first part of the definition certainly does not match systemd it is measurably faster than sysvinit. As for memory usage: systemd s RSS is 1.8 MiB, whereas sysvinit uses 0.8 MiB. As I argued on the More memory use point in the dependencies section, I think the additional resource cost is well worth the benefits. Also note that systemd s features are NOT all implemented in the binary which is PID 1. As explained in the dependency list, systemd consists of many cleanly separated binaries. So if a new version of systemd gathers an additional feature, this does not mean that your PID 1 will be bigger. While systemd runs on any hardware, it has an indirect hardware requirement: it requires some Linux kernel features (which are all enabled in Debian kernels). That might rule out usage of systemd on really old embedded hardware where you don t have a chance to update the kernel. While it is sad that those machines cannot profit from systemd, switching to systemd as a default has no downside either: Debian continues to support sysvinit for quite some time, so these machines will continue to work even with upcoming Debian versions. systemd does too many things The Wikipedia definition continues:
[ ] perceived bloat can occur from the software servicing a large, diverse marketplace with many differing requirements. Most end users will feel they only need some limited subset of the available functions and will regard the others as unnecessary bloat, even if people with different requirements do use them.
I think the last part of the Wikipedia definition applies to systemd: it does service a large and diverse marketplace . That marketplace is the entirety of existing software which is started by an init system. Also, systemd can be used on a wide range of hardware (embedded devices, tablets, phones, notebooks, desktops, servers) which requires different features. As an example: on a desktop system you typically don t care strongly about a watchdog feature, but on embedded or servers that feature is very handy. Similarly, on a tablet, forward secure sealing of logfiles is not as important as on a server. Therefore, I can understand if you feel that you don t need many of the features systemd provides. But please think of other users and maintainers who are very happy with systemd s benefits. Also note that while systemd supports many things (in separate binaries!), you don t have to use them all. It still makes sense to ship them all in the same package. Take coreutils as another example in that area. The binaries belong together, even though you most likely haven t used all of them (e.g. od, pr, ptx, :-)). systemd is too complex The remaining concern is that systemd is too complex. In my experience, complexity is often inherent to a specific area and one cannot simply make it go away. Instead, there are different models of how that complexity is represented. Think of the monolithic Linux kernel versus the MINIX microkernel. The latter has a very small amount of lines of source in the kernel, but puts the complexity into userspace. The former uses a different approach with more source in the kernel. The arguments between both camps show that neither is clearly right or clearly wrong. In a way, sysvinit represents the MINIX model: it has a small core (the init binary itself), but a lot of complexity in shell scripts and external programs. The fact that solutions are copied from one init script to another leads to lots of subtle errors and makes code reuse really hard. systemd however has more source code in the binaries, but requires only very simple, descriptive, textual configuration instead of complex init scripts. To me, it seems preferable to have the complexity in a single place instead of distributed across lots of people and projects. Conclusion In a way, you are right. systemd centralizes complexity from tons of init scripts into a single place. However, it therefore makes it very easy for maintainers to write service files (equivalent of an init script) and provides a consistent and reliable interface for service management. Furthermore, it is different than sysvinit, and different solutions often seem complex at first. While systemd consumes more resources than sysvinit, it uses them to make more information available about services; its finer-grained service management requires more state-keeping, but in turn offers you more control over your services.

